Subject: Re: [PATCH] Added Windows Cryptography API: Next Generation backend

Re: [PATCH] Added Windows Cryptography API: Next Generation backend

From: Alexander Lamaison <>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 22:01:01 +0000

On 18 March 2014 21:47, Marc Hoersken <> wrote:
> On 17.03.2014 17:42, Bob Kast wrote:
>> Now that WinCNG is in, should I post my patches on top of that?
>> Style question: VS logs many warnings due to "possible data loss" (and
>> others), such as assigning a long to a short. This is throughout the
>> library, not just in WinCNG. These can be 'fixed' easily with casts, less
>> easily by matching data types, or I can just tell the compiler to not check
>> this. Should I post "fixes" to these warnings or just ignore them?
> I would suggest posting individual patches grouped by issue, so that the
> maintainers can judge them and merge them if they are actually a problem
> and not just a false-positive.

By all means post the patches, but, if you're talking about the
warnings I think you are, casting isn't a fix. The proper fix is to
change the API to take wider types, but we are reluctant to do that,
as that would change the ABI forcing a soname bump.

However, I've been planning a compromise solution for ages, where the
API is changed to wider types conditional upon some #define such as
#ifdef LIBSSH2_USE_LATEST_API. That lets you take advantage of the
fix, as long as you are willing to compile libssh2 yourself. On
Windows that means everyone.


P.S. I'm currently working on a CMake-based solution to the problem of
maintaining makefiles for different platform and configuration
permutations. You might want to wait until you see what's possible
with CMake before putting too much effort into maintaining the VS
project files manually.

Swish - Easy SFTP for Windows Explorer (
Received on 2014-03-18