Subject: Re: ssh-agent support

Re: ssh-agent support

From: Simon Josefsson <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 12:28:05 +0100

I should have said that I tried the ssh2_agent example with my OpenPGP
smartcard, and authentication worked! So libssh2 now support smartcard
based SSH. Cool!

However there seems to be a glitch:

jas_at_mocca:~/src/libssh2 master$ ./example/ssh2_agent root
        Authentication with username root and public key cardno:000500000139 succeeded!
Fingerprint: 87 25 0B E3 95 8B 27 0F A3 4D BB 80 BE 49 3A C3

This hangs. The server log is:

Dec 21 12:26:49 virgo sshd[2326]: Accepted publickey for root from port 47324 ssh2
Dec 21 12:26:49 virgo sshd[2326]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Dec 21 12:26:49 virgo sshd[2326]: dispatch_protocol_error: type 50 seq 6

Any ideas?

I suspect it is unrelated to the agent code though.

Received on 2009-12-21